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Homeopathy was created by the German physician Dr. Christian Friederich Samuel Hahnemann in 1810 in Germany. The word Homeopathy means: homeo = similar + patia = disease and was thus designated by Hahnemann to differentiate it from the usual medicine of the time, which he called Allopathy, where alos = opposites + patia = disease. Homeopathy is considered a medical science that uses, in the treatment of “sick people”, medicines manipulated according to their own pharmacotechnics, these medicines originating from the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. This therapy is based on the doctrine “Similia Similibus Curantum” (“Like things are cured with like things”).

In Homeopathy, patients are treated individually. It is a therapy that understands the patient physically and mentally (individualizing their clinical history and identifying the respective signs and symptoms peculiar to each one).


Behavioral disorders (aggressiveness, shyness, anxiety, self-mutilation, coprophagia, fears and phobias, psychological pregnancy, etc.);
Skin problems (atopic dermatitis, etc);
Digestive problems (food sensitivity, etc.);
Renal, hepatic, cardiac disorders;
Endocrine disorders (hypo/hyperthyroidism, hypo/hyperadrenocorticism, diabetes, etc);
Cancer treatment;
Between others.


In Germany, around 90% of veterinarians prescribe homeopathic medicines. There are several reasons for this preference, for example: Many pet owners have had positive personal experiences with homeopathy. There is also great distrust regarding conventional treatments (antibiotics and corticosteroids), in particular, associated with adverse drug reactions. It is not uncommon for animals with chronic illnesses to employ homeopathy as a last resort after prolonged conventional treatment has failed to produce any lasting improvement. In livestock, homeopathy has become a viable alternative to problems such as legislation prohibiting the use of certain drugs, the growing resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics and the increasing number of farms dedicated to the production of organic food.


Acupuncture is a treatment that consists of the application of needles in defined points of the body, called “Acupoints”, which are distributed mainly on lines called “channels”. This technique seeks recovery of the organism as a whole, inducing regenerative processes, normalizing altered functions, strengthening the immune system and controlling pain. The technique has been used for millennia showing its benefits to individuals with gastrointestinal, respiratory, muscular, urological, endocrinological, neurological and even dermatological problems.

Veterinary acupuncture is probably as old as the history of human acupuncture. It is estimated that it has been practiced for about 4000 years, having its origin at the same time as human acupuncture in Ancient China. In the West, it has been used for decades in the small animal clinic.

This therapeutic method is based on the fundamental substance called Qi, which means life energy. Acupuncture works by harmonizing vital energy. By doing so, there is a stimulus of the immune system that will help homeostasis and the body’s self-healing capacity. Acupuncture causes the body to release endorphins and other hormones, while reducing inflammation, whether internal or external. The benefits of acupuncture for animals are innumerable, and those responsible for dogs and cats are surprised every day by the results.

Thus, Veterinary Acupuncture becomes an excellent treatment option for your pet!


The use of phytotherapy is intertwined with history itself…but it was Hippocrates who brought together all the medical knowledge of his time, where he describes a plant medicine for each illness and its corresponding treatment. Phytotherapy (python = plant + therapeia = treatment) exclusively uses medicines of plant origin, using plants in different ways: dried or fresh, in whole or in parts, dry extracts or liquid extracts. Medicinal plants are the most valuable therapeutic resource offered by nature.

Veterinary Phytotherapy is older than the history of humanity itself, with reports of caveman observation of animals eating plants to relieve their illnesses…

All of us have used phytotherapy at some point in our lives, whether in the form of tea, extract, oil, among others, in search of a cure or relief for some illness that tormented us.

Why not treat our animals using this ancient and effective therapy?


Physiotherapy, in Veterinary medicine, is a specialty of extreme importance for the recovery of animals. Prevents and treats genetic alterations, traumas and acquired diseases.

It offers enormous well-being, improving the quality of life of animals.

It is important to note that physiotherapy not only rehabilitates, but also cures, prevents and provides great well-being to animals.

Main indications:

  • Joint diseases (arthritis/osteoarthritis);
  • Fractures;
  • disc hernias;
  • Injuries to tendons and ligaments;
  • Orthopedic and/or neurological pre/post surgery;
  • Obesity.


Hydrotherapy in animals is a powerful ally in veterinary physiotherapy, especially as it works all muscle groups and structures of the animal’s body, allowing a complete rehabilitation work and providing more health and quality of life for the animal.

In the animal world, the most used techniques are swimming and hydro treadmill or aquatic treadmill. The Hydro Treadmill for dogs is used by veterinary physiotherapy professionals for physical rehabilitation of animals, muscle mass gain and an excellent alternative in cases of obesity.

Hydrotherapy promotes muscle strengthening, improves the cardiorespiratory system, helps with weight loss, assists orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation. All this with less impact on the joints due to the buoyancy generated by the water, making the body lighter.

It still promotes the movement of all your musculature and joints and is a complementary treatment along with other veterinary physiotherapy activities.

The benefits of the aquatic treadmill are: injury recovery; assists in the return of motor function, improves balance and coordination; increased range of motion; joint pain relief; strengthening muscles and improving physical conditioning.


Rehabilitation, in Veterinary medicine, is a specialty of extreme importance for the treatment of animals with orthopedic and neurological problems, as well as elderly and obese animals.

Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, chromotherapy and ozone therapy are among the most used treatments in the rehabilitation of pets. Prevents and treats genetic alterations, traumas and acquired diseases.

It offers enormous well-being, improving the quality of life of animals.

Using techniques similar to those used in human physiotherapy, however, totally focused on animals.

In addition, it is possible to exercise on an underwater treadmill, facilitating the support of the affected limb, with less impact on the joints, greater muscle mass gain and weight loss.

Diet Therapy/Natural Food

Since the world has been the world, what is basic is already known: we need to be well fed with real food, fruits, vegetables, meats, good quality water, etc. Hippocrates once said “Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”.

With a balanced diet, we nourish our pets organism properly and what is more interesting, we do not intoxicate their little bodies with all the toxins necessary for the manufacture and conservation of feed.

Surely someone has already had the curiosity to read the label of their pet’s food and saw several substances that they didn’t even know what they were like acidulants, sweeteners, flavorings, stabilizers, palatabilizers, among others.

Yes, every food that is inside a bag ready for consumption is a food product, it is no longer food, it has already gone through processing that de-characterized and added a chemical product to achieve greater durability on the shelf. Of course, it’s much easier, more practical and faster to open a bag and already have the product there to serve, but remember it’s not even close to being better for your partner.

What we propose today is natural food for your pet, is it more work? Yes, but not as much as you might think! But it sure is tastier, healthier, cheaper and more pleasant to see and know that your partner is eating well, is well nourished.

To make a natural diet for your animal, you must seek a qualified veterinarian to prescribe the diet and there must be a follow-up with food modification when necessary, weight monitoring, as well as periodic examinations. That way, it will be difficult for you to be caught by surprise with an unexpected illness, as you will be offering quality food with frequent monitoring. Think about it!


Anthroposophical Medicine emerged in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, based on the image of man brought by Anthroposophy or Spiritual Science by the Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925). The pioneer of this work was the physician Ita Wegman (1874 – 1943), who, based on dialogues with Rudolf Steiner, developed the foundations of a new medical art, indicating medications and therapies for various diseases.

The principles of anthroposophic medicine are based on research carried out by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Ita Wegman, making these results systematically applicable in medicine. The therapeutic thrust of Anthroposophy seeks harmony between the spirit, soul and body, also providing the understanding of man in his relationships with the cosmos and the different kingdoms of nature.

The treatments are based on the knowledge of man’s specific relationships with the mineral, plant and animal worlds, which makes it possible to use elements from these kingdoms or to develop new medicines based on this knowledge.

Source: ABMA (Brazilian Association of Anthroposophical Medicine)

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy – O3

Ozone therapy is a technique that uses the application of a mixture of oxygen and ozone gases, through different routes of administration, for therapeutic purposes. Medical ozone is always a mixture of ozone and oxygen. The qualified professional determines the appropriate dose and route of application according to the indication and the patient’s conditions.

Ozone therapy applications are determined by its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties, modulation of oxidative stress, improvement of peripheral circulation and oxygenation. This determines the large number of pathologies in which Ozone Therapy can be used alone or in a complementary way.

Medical ozone can be indicated for the treatment of:

  • Circulatory problems;
  • Various diseases and conditions of the elderly patient;
  • Diseases caused by viruses, such as hepatitis, Herpes simplex and Herpes zoster;
  • Any infected, inflamed, difficult-to-heal wounds, such as leg ulcers of vascular, arterial or venous origin (varicose veins), ulcers due to arterial insufficiency, diabetic ulcers, risk of gangrene;
  • Colitis and other chronic intestinal inflammations;
  • Burns;
  • Disc hernia, disc protrusion, lumbar pain;
  • Joint pain resulting from chronic inflammatory diseases;
  • General immunoactivation;
  • As a complementary therapy for various types of cancer.

Neural Therapy

Neural Therapy seeks to neutralize the irritations of the vegetative nervous system. These can trigger a clinical sign or chronic pathology that does not achieve clinical improvement with other therapies. It mainly seeks to stabilize, promote homeostasis of the body, seeking its balance.

The objective of the neural therapist is to identify from the patient’s life history where in the body there may be an irritated nerve fiber that can be called interfering fields, which may be responsible for a clinical sign or a chronic or non-chronic illness, and thus stimulating its repair, allowing the body to successfully perform its function again.

Source: IBTN (Brazilian Institute of Neural Therapy)


Homotoxicology originated in Germany in the 1930s and arrived in Brazil only in 2002.

It is considered a science that seeks to identify the presence of toxic substances accumulated in the body through food, medication, water, heavy metals, radiation and others that can cause damage or injury to organs, in addition to diseases such as allergies, chronic or recurrent infections, poisoning. and autoimmune diseases.

It is similar to homeopathy due to the substances used in its medicines and differs due to the fact that antihomotoxic preparations use the same active principle with several dilutions.

Wild animals

The medical and surgical clinic for wild and exotic animals aims to provide the well-being of unconventional pets such as birds, reptiles, rodents and rabbits, promoting their health through guidance on balanced nutrition, appropriate handling for the species and preventive evaluations of routine and, when necessary, the diagnosis and treatment of any diseases that may affect these animals.

Vibrational Therapy

Vibrational essences make up a group of substances obtained from essential florals, having an exclusively Biophysical action, acting in the harmonization of body and mind, with the purpose of treating acute and chronic diseases, which cause the loss of vital energy and loss of energy. of Homeostasis.

Furthermore, this therapy is recognized by several health professionals and can be indicated for the treatment of various diseases such as:

  • Insomnia;
  • Anxiety;
  • Panic Syndrome;
  • Allergies;
  • Degenerative diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart and spinal diseases;
  • Cancer;
  • Arthritis and arthrosis;
  • Endocrine Imbalances;
  • Infectious and Contagious Diseases;
  • Detection of poisoning by heavy metals and various toxins.


Chromotherapy is a type of treatment that consists of using colors to cure illnesses and restore the patient’s physical and emotional balance. The word comes from the Greek “khrôma” which means “color”.


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